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Gloria A

Glory Magaña was born to entertain! As the youngest of 15 there was never a dull moment or a night without an audience! Glory started her career in 2012 at The Purple Onion in San Francisco, CA; the same stage where Phyllis Diller and Richard Pryor paved their way to fame. She’s made her way around California performing in the best funny spots such as Cobb’s Comedy Club, San Francisco Punchline, Tommy Ts in Pleasanton, Sacramento Punchline, the Icehouse in Pasadena, the Laugh Factory in Long Beach and Hollywood, The Comedy Store, and in San Diego at The Mad House Comedy Club & The Mic Drop. Glory has lives in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and lastly, New York. While living in the Big Apple she was able to share the stage with Jessica Kirson and Cipha Sounds at The Stand NYC, as well as perform at The New York Comedy Club. Glory was so blessed to be a part of the Netflix is a Joke Fest in Hollywood while performing for the well-known Chocolate Sundaes show at The Laugh Factory. She has also performed in Canada and Mexico! You’ll be sure to have fun watching her animated presence on stage!


Gloria A

Glory Magaña was born to entertain! As the youngest of 15 there was never a dull moment or a night without an audience! Glory started her career in 2012 at The Purple Onion in San Francisco, CA; the same stage where Phyllis Diller and Richard Pryor paved their way to fame. She’s made her way around California performing in the best funny spots such as Cobb’s Comedy Club, San Francisco Punchline, Tommy Ts in Pleasanton, Sacramento Punchline, the Icehouse in Pasadena, the Laugh Factory in Long Beach and Hollywood, The Comedy Store, and in San Diego at The Mad House Comedy Club & The Mic Drop. Glory has lives in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and lastly, New York. While living in the Big Apple she was able to share the stage with Jessica Kirson and Cipha Sounds at The Stand NYC, as well as perform at The New York Comedy Club. Glory was so blessed to be a part of the Netflix is a Joke Fest in Hollywood while performing for the well-known Chocolate Sundaes show at The Laugh Factory. She has also performed in Canada and Mexico! You’ll be sure to have fun watching her animated presence on stage!

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Gloria A



Gloria A

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