quick facts

current town

New Orleans, LA


New Orleans, LA

quick facts

current town

New Orleans, LA


New Orleans, LA



Ryan Rogers refracts the world through his brazen, queer, side-splitting humor. He recently partnered with OnlyFans’ new comedy platform on OFTV. He performs all over America – harnessing his one-of-a-kind effervescence to light up any stage. “Rogers is a grinder in the mold of most successful comics,” said Andrew Comer of Offbeat Magazine. The Acadiana Advocate called his rise to stardom “meteoric.” Ryan is the founder of LGBTLOL Queer Comedy Fest, and has performed at Sno Jam Comedy Fest, CloudTop Comedy Fest, Nola Comedy Fest, Mobile Comedy Fest, Portland Comedy Fest, Overlook Film Fest, P3 Comedy Fest, Albuquerque Funny Fiesta, and Hell Yes Fest. In 2022, Ryan released his debut comedy album “She Is Me” on more than 30 platforms globally to resoundingly positive reviews. The Current called it “proudly perverse.” Ryan is also the creator and showrunner of “CHERRY!” a national partnership with Virgin Hotels, “STAGE FRIGHT” a spooky show created for Hotel Saint Vincent, “SNAKE BIT!” at The Southern Hotel, and “EXBOYFRIEND MATERIAL” a gameshow about heartbreak. In 2022, Ryan hosted “WITHOUT RHYME NOR REASON” a national comedy tour about mental health & suicide prevention for collegiate sororities. When he’s not performing, he’s usually taking a nap with his loving husband and co-producer, Drew at their home in New Orleans.



Ryan Rogers refracts the world through his brazen, queer, side-splitting humor. He recently partnered with OnlyFans’ new comedy platform on OFTV. He performs all over America – harnessing his one-of-a-kind effervescence to light up any stage. “Rogers is a grinder in the mold of most successful comics,” said Andrew Comer of Offbeat Magazine. The Acadiana Advocate called his rise to stardom “meteoric.” Ryan is the founder of LGBTLOL Queer Comedy Fest, and has performed at Sno Jam Comedy Fest, CloudTop Comedy Fest, Nola Comedy Fest, Mobile Comedy Fest, Portland Comedy Fest, Overlook Film Fest, P3 Comedy Fest, Albuquerque Funny Fiesta, and Hell Yes Fest. In 2022, Ryan released his debut comedy album “She Is Me” on more than 30 platforms globally to resoundingly positive reviews. The Current called it “proudly perverse.” Ryan is also the creator and showrunner of “CHERRY!” a national partnership with Virgin Hotels, “STAGE FRIGHT” a spooky show created for Hotel Saint Vincent, “SNAKE BIT!” at The Southern Hotel, and “EXBOYFRIEND MATERIAL” a gameshow about heartbreak. In 2022, Ryan hosted “WITHOUT RHYME NOR REASON” a national comedy tour about mental health & suicide prevention for collegiate sororities. When he’s not performing, he’s usually taking a nap with his loving husband and co-producer, Drew at their home in New Orleans.

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