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Robert “Bobby” Omoto has a flair for bringing the seemingly random tangents that make up his inner thought into a well oiled, if not a tad off kilter, comedy machine. His razor sharp wit combined with a ridiculous life journey, meld into a rip roaring, off the cuff entertaining comedy experience.  Robert was named a StandUp NBC semi-finalist, has been seen on America’s Funniest Videos, and on Amazon Prime. He has performed at Sketchfest, the San Luis Obispo Comedy Festival, San Diego Comedy Festival, San Francisco Comedy Competition, for the U.S. Navy, and is the host/producer of the popular podcast “Random Thoughts.”  He is a regular at comedy clubs across the country and has opened for Godfrey, Phil Hanley, Pablo Francisco, Bobcat Goldthwait, Bret Ernst, Greg Proops, Sarah Tiana, Rex Navarrete, TK Kirkland, Karlous Miller, Joey Medina, and Mike Epps.  Robert is a rising comedian out of Sacramento, California not to be missed. 



Robert “Bobby” Omoto has a flair for bringing the seemingly random tangents that make up his inner thought into a well oiled, if not a tad off kilter, comedy machine. His razor sharp wit combined with a ridiculous life journey, meld into a rip roaring, off the cuff entertaining comedy experience. 

Robert was named a StandUp NBC semi-finalist, has been seen on America’s Funniest Videos, and on Amazon Prime. He has performed at Sketchfest, the San Luis Obispo Comedy Festival, San Diego Comedy Festival, San Francisco Comedy Competition, for the U.S. Navy, and is the host/producer of the popular podcast “Random Thoughts.” 

He is a regular at comedy clubs across the country and has opened for Godfrey, Phil Hanley, Pablo Francisco, Bobcat Goldthwait, Bret Ernst, Greg Proops, Sarah Tiana, Rex Navarrete, TK Kirkland, Karlous Miller, Joey Medina, and Mike Epps.  Robert is a rising comedian out of Sacramento, California not to be missed. 

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