quick facts

current town

North Hollywood, California


Owensboro, Kentucky

quick facts

current town

North Hollywood, California


Owensboro, Kentucky



You may recognize her from Jurassic Park, Sex and the City, or as your ex-girlfriend. Oh wait, that’s just who everyone says she looks like. Really, Laurie Huff does have a long history of performing professionally in her home state of Kentucky, Chicago, Vegas, Los Angeles and internationally on tour. Mainly focused as a dancer (the trained kind, don’t ask what club) and choreographer, but she’s always had a funny bone to pick with you. Seen on the regular at shows at The Ice House, Flappers, The Hollywood Roosevelt, The Shindig Show and more, she’s a Second City alum and happy to be using her improv and sketch training for something semi-useful with stand up!



You may recognize her from Jurassic Park, Sex and the City, or as your ex-girlfriend. Oh wait, that’s just who everyone says she looks like. Really, Laurie Huff does have a long history of performing professionally in her home state of Kentucky, Chicago, Vegas, Los Angeles and internationally on tour. Mainly focused as a dancer (the trained kind, don’t ask what club) and choreographer, but she’s always had a funny bone to pick with you. Seen on the regular at shows at The Ice House, Flappers, The Hollywood Roosevelt, The Shindig Show and more, she’s a Second City alum and happy to be using her improv and sketch training for something semi-useful with stand up!

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