quick facts

current town

Los Angeles


Northome, MN

quick facts

current town

Los Angeles


Northome, MN



Denise Winkelman is an award winning screenwriter, former fitness model and former professional wrestler. She is sassy, brutally self honest and shocking but her smile and charm can win the hearts of any room. Her Debut Comedy Special/Album Boogie on a Budget will be released in 2024. She performs throughout Southern California. (Comedy Store, (L.A. and LA Jolla), The Hollywood Improv, the Ice House, Flappers and many more. She has performed in a number of festivals including the Burbank Comedy Festival (3x) and the Boston Comedy Festival. Where she was named a Semi Finalist (2020). Her original pilot “The Authentic Step” had won many awards. (Wiki writing competition, New York Film festival, etc) As a model, she placed 3rd in her group in the 2019 worldwide Maxim cover model search. Clubs Comedy works Denver Comedy store LA and La Jolla Laugh factory Ice house Flappers Tao comedy Hollywood comedy Mic drop San Diego Festival Laugh riot grrl 5x Burbank comedy festival 3x Art of female festival Utah 2x Boston Comedy Festival



Denise Winkelman is an award winning screenwriter, former fitness model and former professional wrestler.

She is sassy, brutally self honest and shocking but her smile and charm can win the hearts of any room.

Her Debut Comedy Special/Album Boogie on a Budget will be released in 2024.

She performs throughout Southern California. (Comedy Store, (L.A. and LA Jolla), The Hollywood Improv, the Ice House, Flappers and many more.

She has performed in a number of festivals including the Burbank Comedy Festival (3x) and the Boston Comedy Festival. Where she was named a Semi Finalist (2020).

Her original pilot “The Authentic Step” had won many awards. (Wiki writing competition,
New York Film festival, etc)
As a model, she placed 3rd in her group in the 2019 worldwide Maxim cover model search.

Comedy works Denver
Comedy store LA and La Jolla
Laugh factory
Ice house
Tao comedy
Hollywood comedy
Mic drop San Diego

Laugh riot grrl 5x
Burbank comedy festival 3x
Art of female festival Utah 2x
Boston Comedy Festival

watch my videos







My upcoming shows