quick facts

current town

Los Angeles


Agoura Hills, Ca

quick facts

current town

Los Angeles


Agoura Hills, Ca



Julia Jasunas is a comedian, actor and all-around entertainer. A Los Angeles native with an affinity for musicals, Julia attended the University of the Arts as a musical theatre major and has since been working professionally in the entertainment industry. Julia is a compelling actor dedicated to her craft as well as a working stand-up comedian. Her act can be best described as high-energy neurosis with self-reflective/deprecating observations about society, family, relationships, and life in general. She has been featured in numerous national commercials as well as print ads and has appeared on VH1, FOX, NBC and Lifetime Movie Network. Most recently, Julia is the new host of “This Just In,” by the creators of America’s Funniest Home Videos! You can often find Julia performing at various hot spots around Los Angeles as well as comedy clubs nationally.



Julia Jasunas is a comedian, actor and all-around entertainer. A Los Angeles native with an affinity for musicals, Julia attended the University of the Arts as a musical theatre major and has since been working professionally in the entertainment industry.

Julia is a compelling actor dedicated to her craft as well as a working stand-up comedian. Her act can be best described as high-energy neurosis with self-reflective/deprecating observations about society, family, relationships, and life in general. She has been featured in numerous national commercials as well as print ads and has appeared on VH1, FOX, NBC and Lifetime Movie Network. Most recently, Julia is the new host of “This Just In,” by the creators of America’s Funniest Home Videos!

You can often find Julia performing at various hot spots around Los Angeles as well as comedy clubs nationally.

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