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Tammy E. Clarke (TammyTeaLove) is a comedian who was “Born in Brooklyn, raised in Los Angeles and Got her Game from The Bay” she resides in Oakland, Her first break was on the spot with “Academy Award winning Actress” Mo’Nique at the San Jose Improv. She first stepped on stage in 2007 when her comedian friends pushed her on stage and said she should be a comedian. TammyTeaLove has been Awarded the “NW Black comedy fest funniest comedian award” has performed at clubs such as Cobbs Comedy Club, Punchline, Comedy Château , Sketchfest SF, Black Women In Comedy festival and many others, also Tammy is A THREE time “Comedy Oakland”Champion, A Showcase Winner of the 2023 “Hope Flood Comics Rock convention” and on most nights and weekends Tammy is found on stage, Telling real life stories that everyone can relate to, she hopes to one day take on bigger stages and travel around the world making people laugh.   Laughter, is healing of the soul.



Tammy E. Clarke (TammyTeaLove) is a comedian who was “Born in Brooklyn, raised in Los Angeles and Got her Game from The Bay” she resides in Oakland, Her first break was on the spot with “Academy Award winning Actress” Mo’Nique at the San Jose Improv. She first stepped on stage in 2007 when her comedian friends pushed her on stage and said she should be a comedian.

TammyTeaLove has been Awarded the “NW Black comedy fest funniest comedian award” has performed at clubs such as Cobbs Comedy Club, Punchline, Comedy Château , Sketchfest SF, Black Women In Comedy festival and many others, also Tammy is A THREE time “Comedy Oakland”Champion, A Showcase Winner of the 2023 “Hope Flood Comics Rock convention” and on most nights and weekends Tammy is found on stage, Telling real life stories that everyone can relate to, she hopes to one day take on bigger stages and travel around the world making people laugh.   Laughter, is healing of the soul.

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