quick facts

current town

Los Angeles, CA


Mt. Olive, NC

quick facts

current town

Los Angeles, CA


Mt. Olive, NC



Bio comedy store From North Carolina, Jess Wellington is brash but still down-home. She spent 6 years in the Air Force which gave her valuable world experience. Jess started comedy at the Sacramento Comedy Spot 12 years ago where she began her career in Improv comedy and shortly after moved to Los Angeles to pursue standup. She landed the role of Biker #2 in the Clint Eastwood movie, The Mule, where she had two lines and improvised a wink! You can also catch her in Grace and Frankie on Netflix and Good Girls on NBC. From serving food at the Waffle House to serving laughs on stage you’ll love her southern charm.



Bio comedy store

From North Carolina, Jess Wellington is brash but still down-home. She spent 6 years in the Air Force which gave her valuable world experience. Jess started comedy at the Sacramento Comedy Spot 12 years ago where she began her career in Improv comedy and shortly after moved to Los Angeles to pursue standup. She landed the role of Biker #2 in the Clint Eastwood movie, The Mule, where she had two lines and improvised a wink! You can also catch her in Grace and Frankie on Netflix and Good Girls on NBC. From serving food at the Waffle House to serving laughs on stage you’ll love her southern charm.

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