quick facts

current town

Atlanta, Georgia


Tallahassee, Florida

quick facts

current town

Atlanta, Georgia


Tallahassee, Florida



I’m 30 years old. I have two cats. I’m originally from Florida (born in Orlando, grew up in Tallahassee). I’ve been living in Atlanta, Georgia for over a decade. I’m in my last semester of grad school at George Washington University, pursuing a master’s degree in public health. To pay the bills, I used to work as a nurse in dermatology. When I went back to school during the pandemic, I switched careers and am now currently working as a high school teacher. I love my job now so much more than nursing, specifically because the work-life balance is better; not to mention, my students are truly great kids! Needless to say, I love what I do but it still doesn’t compare to the love I have for comedy. I started doing stand up right before the pandemic. I knew in elementary school that I wanted to be a comedian when I grew up and hit the ground running once I finally got the courage to get up on stage for the first time. My little brother was one of the biggest supporters of my comedy and his support ultimately gave me the courage to pursue this life long dream. He died the month after I got up on stage for the first time and his unwavering encouragement ignited me to keep going and never stop, which is why every year I set new goals for myself. Year one, the goal was to hit at least four open mics a week and work on my written material everyday. Year two, the goal was to become more comfortable up on stage as well as work on my stage presence. In year three, I set more concrete goals: perform out of town (New York City, Salt Lake City) and to finally give improv a chance (Dad’s Garage). Fulfilling these goals has made me a stronger stand up comedian, and a more confident individual. All of this led to my biggest milestone in stand up thus far— opening for Bobcat Goldthwait (May 2023). Now that I’m in year four, my goal is to perform at a renowned festival; that’s how I found Laugh After Dark. I was on a show with some comics from Vegas who were adamant that LAD should be at the top of my list for comedy festivals. By and large, if I could highlight only one attribute in this submission that I would hope stands out most when considering me for LAD, it would be that I am not only passionate about comedy as an art and as a science, but I’m also highly driven and pertinacious about every comedic endeavor, and above all else, grateful for any opportunity that allows for people to connect with one another through laughter. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my lengthy bio. I appreciate your time and consideration immensely!



I’m 30 years old. I have two cats. I’m originally from Florida (born in Orlando, grew up in Tallahassee). I’ve been living in Atlanta, Georgia for over a decade. I’m in my last semester of grad school at George Washington University, pursuing a master’s degree in public health.

To pay the bills, I used to work as a nurse in dermatology. When I went back to school during the pandemic, I switched careers and am now currently working as a high school teacher. I love my job now so much more than nursing, specifically because the work-life balance is better; not to mention, my students are truly great kids!

Needless to say, I love what I do but it still doesn’t compare to the love I have for comedy.

I started doing stand up right before the pandemic. I knew in elementary school that I wanted to be a comedian when I grew up and hit the ground running once I finally got the courage to get up on stage for the first time.

My little brother was one of the biggest supporters of my comedy and his support ultimately gave me the courage to pursue this life long dream. He died the month after I got up on stage for the first time and his unwavering encouragement ignited me to keep going and never stop, which is why every year I set new goals for myself.

Year one, the goal was to hit at least four open mics a week and work on my written material everyday. Year two, the goal was to become more comfortable up on stage as well as work on my stage presence. In year three, I set more concrete goals: perform out of town (New York City, Salt Lake City) and to finally give improv a chance (Dad’s Garage). Fulfilling these goals has made me a stronger stand up comedian, and a more confident individual. All of this led to my biggest milestone in stand up thus far— opening for Bobcat Goldthwait (May 2023).

Now that I’m in year four, my goal is to perform at a renowned festival; that’s how I found Laugh After Dark. I was on a show with some comics from Vegas who were adamant that LAD should be at the top of my list for comedy festivals.

By and large, if I could highlight only one attribute in this submission that I would hope stands out most when considering me for LAD, it would be that I am not only passionate about comedy as an art and as a science, but I’m also highly driven and pertinacious about every comedic endeavor, and above all else, grateful for any opportunity that allows for people to connect with one another through laughter.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my lengthy bio. I appreciate your time and consideration immensely!

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