quick facts

current town

San Francisco


Howard County

quick facts

current town

San Francisco


Howard County



Recently described as “kinda funny” by San Francisco Mayor London Breed, Steven Asifo brings you on a trip where everything makes sense…from his perspective. With his charm and infectious energy, Steven has you laughing from start to finish, as he explores his anxiety-filled mishaps about marriage, adulthood, and weird facts of life. Hailing from the mean streets of Howard County, Maryland, this east coast transplant holds it down in San Francisco as Jeff Bezos’ Drone. When not waiting on his Amazon Prime, Steven performs all over the world, including his home country of Ghana. He has been featured in SOOOO many things that it’s impossible to list them in the confines of this paragraph. Just watch. You’ll see.



Recently described as “kinda funny” by San Francisco Mayor London Breed, Steven Asifo brings you on a trip where everything makes sense…from his perspective. With his charm and infectious energy, Steven has you laughing from start to finish, as he explores his anxiety-filled mishaps about marriage, adulthood, and weird facts of life. Hailing from the mean streets of Howard County, Maryland, this east coast transplant holds it down in San Francisco as Jeff Bezos’ Drone. When not waiting on his Amazon Prime, Steven performs all over the world, including his home country of Ghana. He has been featured in SOOOO many things that it’s impossible to list them in the confines of this paragraph. Just watch. You’ll see.

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