quick facts

current town

Norco, CA


Montclair, CA

quick facts

current town

Norco, CA


Montclair, CA



Mehran Khodabandeh, (just try and sound it out) is a dynamic comedian building his brand around a razor-sharp wit and energy on stage. With a keen observational eye, they effortlessly dissect the absurdities of everyday life. He has spent the past 13 years working in politics as a political strategist in democratic politics. Running nationwide campaigns and is excited to share his experiences with a comedic take. Whether it’s dissecting the quirks of human behavior, sharing hilarious anecdotes from his own life, or offering a fresh perspective on current events. With a growing list of appearances, Mehran side-splitting performances set across the country and excited to continue to make his mark on the comedy world.



Mehran Khodabandeh, (just try and sound it out) is a dynamic comedian building his brand around a razor-sharp wit and energy on stage. With a keen observational eye, they effortlessly dissect the absurdities of everyday life.

He has spent the past 13 years working in politics as a political strategist in democratic politics. Running nationwide campaigns and is excited to share his experiences with a comedic take. Whether it’s dissecting the quirks of human behavior, sharing hilarious anecdotes from his own life, or offering a fresh perspective on current events.

With a growing list of appearances, Mehran side-splitting performances set across the country and excited to continue to make his mark on the comedy world.

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