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From a very young age, it has always been Charles Daghlian’s purpose to make people laugh, whether at school, family events or talent shows. He got his first professional opportunity at the age of 9, when he co-hosted one of the French galas at the prestigious Montreal Just for Laughs Comedy Festival. While completing a degree in film production, his passion for stand-up comedy was reignited. Charles has become a regular in the local Montreal comedy scene for 6 years now, performing at various venues multiple times all week long, in English, French, Spanish and Armenian! He also produces and hosts a monthly show at the House of Jazz Laval. He tours regularly out of town, on stages and mics all over Canada and the US. In 2023, he participated in the Zoofest/Off-JFL Festival in Montreal and the Trois-Rivières Comedy Festival. In 2024, he was part of the Best of the West, as part of the Vancouver Just For Laughs Festival. His short films have won multiple comedy awards in North America. Soon, he sets sails for Barbados, trying to make as many people laugh in the world!



From a very young age, it has always been Charles Daghlian’s purpose to make people laugh, whether at school, family events or talent shows. He got his first professional opportunity at the age of 9, when he co-hosted one of the French galas at the prestigious Montreal Just for Laughs Comedy Festival. While completing a degree in film production, his passion for stand-up comedy was reignited.

Charles has become a regular in the local Montreal comedy scene for 6 years now, performing at various venues multiple times all week long, in English, French, Spanish and Armenian! He also produces and hosts a monthly show at the House of Jazz Laval. He tours regularly out of town, on stages and mics all over Canada and the US. In 2023, he participated in the Zoofest/Off-JFL Festival in Montreal and the Trois-Rivières Comedy Festival. In 2024, he was part of the Best of the West, as part of the Vancouver Just For Laughs Festival. His short films have won multiple comedy awards in North America. Soon, he sets sails for Barbados, trying to make as many people laugh in the world!

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