write for
comedy finder

Share Your Voice with Comedy Fans and Industry Insiders

We’re seeking fresh perspectives and knowledgeable voices to challenge our readers and contribute to the comedy industry’s growth. Writing for us positions you as an expert, sharing your insights with a targeted audience of comedy fans and industry insiders. You’ll gain valuable exposure through Comedy Finder, with select articles featured on our Laugh After Dark social media channels and in email campaigns. Plus, you’ll sharpen your writing skills and deepen your understanding of the topics you cover.

writing for comedy finder as a contributor

how it works


Register for a free Contributor Account where you can keep your author bio, photo, and links up to date for readers.


You can submit your articles for review and edit your existing articles right from your Contributor Dashboard. 


Our team will review your article. We may accept it, request revisions, or decline it. We will reach out if we decide to publish.

what we publish

The types of articles we are looking for

Have a perspective

Go beyond lists of tips and tricks and show us where you’re coming from! Be bold, interesting, and authentic.

Target Our Audience

Write for comedy fans, industry enthusiasts, and professionals within the entertainment industry.

Are Well Supported

Back up your points with solid arguments and reliable sources.

Meet Our Guidelines

We do our best to keep instructions simple and easy to follow, so please ensure that you folllow them carefully.

Submission Guidelines

We accept articles ranging from 600 to 2,500 words, with an average length of around 1,500 words. Your tone can vary—whether casual for lighter topics or more formal for in-depth analyses, all articles should be thoughtful and well-researched. If your article includes images, ensure you have the rights or that they are copyright-free. Ensure your images meet the dimension requirements listed in the portal.
Accuracy is crucial—double-check your work before submitting.

Articles featured on

Published articles will appear on the Comedy Finder news page, and we’ll promote them across our social media platforms. Top articles may also be featured in our email campaigns and other promotions. Please remember, the decision to publish is based on the relevance of the topic and the overall quality of your article.

frequently asked questions

Anyone who loves to write and share their knowledge and passion for the comedy entertainment space with the world. 

We’re interested in:

– Roundups of tours, comedy specials and albums

– Profiles on celebrity comedians

– Op-eds on the comedy and entertainment industry

– Have an idea that’s not on this list? Submit it and we’ll take a look!

No. It is 100% free to become a Comedy Finder Contributor

Nope! We have no such requirements. Our only requirement is that your work meets our standards & guidelines and brings value to the industry.

No. Unlike many companies, we do not require exclusivity for your articles at this time. 

Please note that we will not pay for your articles. If you’re a professional writer and think you can create great articles for us, contact us with some previous writing samples.