quick facts

current town

Rochester, New York


Rochester, New York

quick facts

current town

Rochester, New York


Rochester, New York



Dr. Don is a catholic boy from Rochester, NY. Raised in the 50’s, dazed in the 60’s, and confused for pretty much the remainder of the 20th century. He’s a former University of Delaware Communications Professor and Excellence in Teaching Award winner for his unique combination of content and comedy in the classroom. Educator, writer, producer and performer, business owner, and entrepreneur, he’s worked all over the globe, on six continents, in 18 countries, and an impressive collection of fine island paradises. He has starred in three fun but forgettable feature films shown in 32 countries around the world and on every major film channel in the US; currently streaming on Prime and YouTube respectively). An old soul (relatively) new to stand up, he brings his observational wit and everyman, old dude charm to life in the long lane. It’s intelligent, relevant, reflective, relatable comedy. He’s appeared in a clubs along the east coast; produced a 7 segment Vlog series – Dr. Don’s Doodie Dispatches, and also produced and performed in a virtual production of Candid Conversations with Cuomo in the Time of Covid selected for the 2021 Rochester Fringe Festival. “Once upon a time I was a college professor. I was pretty funny. Three times a week for nearly a decade I performed in front of 450 college kids. My classes were mobbed and standing room only. Not sure the students learned much of anything, but my evaluations invariably suggested I might be better suited for stand up. Sooo…35 years and at least 4 career changes later here I am collecting Social Security and laughs whenever I can.”



Dr. Don is a catholic boy from Rochester, NY. Raised in the 50’s, dazed in the 60’s, and confused for pretty much the remainder of the 20th century. He’s a former University of Delaware Communications Professor and Excellence in Teaching Award winner for his unique combination of content and comedy in the classroom. Educator, writer, producer and performer, business owner, and entrepreneur, he’s worked all over the globe, on six continents, in 18 countries, and an impressive collection of fine island paradises. He has starred in three fun but forgettable feature films shown in 32 countries around the world and on every major film channel in the US; currently streaming on Prime and YouTube respectively). An old soul (relatively) new to stand up, he brings his observational wit and everyman, old dude charm to life in the long lane. It’s intelligent, relevant, reflective, relatable comedy. He’s appeared in a clubs along the east coast; produced a 7 segment Vlog series – Dr. Don’s Doodie Dispatches, and also produced and performed in a virtual production of Candid Conversations with Cuomo in the Time of Covid selected for the 2021 Rochester Fringe Festival.

“Once upon a time I was a college professor. I was pretty funny. Three times a week for nearly a decade I performed in front of 450 college kids. My classes were mobbed and standing room only. Not sure the students learned much of anything, but my evaluations invariably suggested I might be better suited for stand up. Sooo…35 years and at least 4 career changes later here I am collecting Social Security and laughs whenever I can.”

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