quick facts

current town

Sacramento, CA


Reno, NV

quick facts

current town

Sacramento, CA


Reno, NV



Drew Shafer got his start in comedy when he tried out for a 3rd grade talent show as a comedian and was told by his teachers that he should find a new talent. Drew did what any other kid would do and decided to ignore his teachers and continued being the class clown. Drew Shafer is a high-energy comedian who frenetically and charmingly awkwardly recounts stories of growing up sheltered with his Agoraphobic Baptist Conservative single mother and the impact it has had on becoming a normal human adult. Drew has been heard on SiriusXM and is a regular at Punch Line Sacramento/San Francisco, Laughs Unlimited, and Cobb’s. Drew was a quarterfinalist (top 14) of the 2023 World Series of Comedy Main Event. He was also selected for the 2023 Laugh After Dark Festival, 2023 Cleveland Comedy Festival, and the inaugural 2023 Colorado Springs Comedy Festival. One of Drew’s recent videos hit 10 million views on TikTok and was even shared by Elon Musk on iFunny.



Drew Shafer got his start in comedy when he tried out for a 3rd grade talent show as a comedian and was told by his teachers that he should find a new talent. Drew did what any other kid would do and decided to ignore his teachers and continued being the class clown.

Drew Shafer is a high-energy comedian who frenetically and charmingly awkwardly recounts stories of growing up sheltered with his Agoraphobic Baptist Conservative single mother and the impact it has had on becoming a normal human adult. Drew has been heard on SiriusXM and is a regular at Punch Line Sacramento/San Francisco, Laughs Unlimited, and Cobb’s. Drew was a quarterfinalist (top 14) of the 2023 World Series of Comedy Main Event. He was also selected for the 2023 Laugh After Dark Festival, 2023 Cleveland Comedy Festival, and the inaugural 2023 Colorado Springs Comedy Festival. One of Drew’s recent videos hit 10 million views on TikTok and was even shared by Elon Musk on iFunny.

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