quick facts

current town

Phoenix, AZ


Phoenix, AZ

quick facts

current town

Phoenix, AZ


Phoenix, AZ



Kate Borrell is a Phoenix-based standup comedian and sketch/stage performer. Coming from a performing arts background, Kate has utilized her skills and her sense of humor to elevate shows and projects she partakes in, making her a delight among audiences. She performs standup in multiple cities nationwide including Los Angeles and Austin; she has opened for touring headliners such as Jackie Kashian, Marcus Smith and Myles Weber, among others. In 2020, Kate was a stand out writer and director of Phoenix film sketch group Hot Phoenix Knights, and she brings her experience in filmed sketches to sketch group FAF Arizona. Outside of standup and comedy sketches, Kate is a recurring actor in The Dinner Detective franchise. Kate is also the producer behind future Phoenix-based standup show The Feature Act.



Kate Borrell is a Phoenix-based standup comedian and sketch/stage performer. Coming from a performing arts background, Kate has utilized her skills and her sense of humor to elevate shows and projects she partakes in, making her a delight among audiences. She performs standup in multiple cities nationwide including Los Angeles and Austin; she has opened for touring headliners such as Jackie Kashian, Marcus Smith and Myles Weber, among others. In 2020, Kate was a stand out writer and director of Phoenix film sketch group Hot Phoenix Knights, and she brings her experience in filmed sketches to sketch group FAF Arizona. Outside of standup and comedy sketches, Kate is a recurring actor in The Dinner Detective franchise. Kate is also the producer behind future Phoenix-based standup show The Feature Act.

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