quick facts

current town

Henderson, NV


Albany, NY

quick facts

current town

Henderson, NV


Albany, NY



Linda Lou’s comedy aspirations began as a young girl in upstate New York when she sent her favorite jokes to Johnny Carson. (Alas, her first experience with rejection). That talent lay dormant until she started performing standup soon after moving to Las Vegas in 2003. Her 2009 memoir, Bastard Husband: A Love Story, is a hilarious account of her experience starting over in Sin City after a mid-life divorce. Based on her day-job years in the field of corporate outplacement, Linda new book, Do What You Want: How To Find a Job That Won’t Crush Your Soul, is the ultimate guide to finding work you actually won’t dread. As if being a comedian, author, and career counselor isn’t enough, Linda also performs in productions and showcases throughout the Las Vegas Valley with Anthem Jazz, a 55+ dance troupe.



Linda Lou’s comedy aspirations began as a young girl in upstate New York when she sent her favorite jokes to Johnny Carson. (Alas, her first experience with rejection). That talent lay dormant until she started performing standup soon after moving to Las Vegas in 2003. Her 2009 memoir, Bastard Husband: A Love Story, is a hilarious account of her experience starting over in Sin City after a mid-life divorce. Based on her day-job years in the field of corporate outplacement, Linda new book, Do What You Want: How To Find a Job That Won’t Crush Your Soul, is the ultimate guide to finding work you actually won’t dread. As if being a comedian, author, and career counselor isn’t enough, Linda also performs in productions and showcases throughout the Las Vegas Valley with Anthem Jazz, a 55+ dance troupe.

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