quick facts

current town

Los Angeles


San Diego

quick facts

current town

Los Angeles


San Diego


Magenta Rose

Magenta Rose Brown is a Los Angeles comedian and an award-winning playwright, actress, and alum of UCLA’s School of Theater, Film and Television. She is the recipient of the George Burns and Gracie Allen Fellowship in Comedy that she received for her comedy play “Alex^4” which she wrote, produced, and starred in. Magenta has performed at comedy clubs across Los Angeles including The Comedy Store, The Crow, Haha Comedy Club, and The Three Clubs, and loves to be a part of the stand-up community.


Magenta Rose

Magenta Rose Brown is a Los Angeles comedian and an award-winning playwright, actress, and alum of UCLA’s School of Theater, Film and Television. She is the recipient of the George Burns and Gracie Allen Fellowship in Comedy that she received for her comedy play “Alex^4” which she wrote, produced, and starred in. Magenta has performed at comedy clubs across Los Angeles including The Comedy Store, The Crow, Haha Comedy Club, and The Three Clubs, and loves to be a part of the stand-up community.

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Magenta Rose



Magenta Rose

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