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current town

Los Angeles



quick facts

current town

Los Angeles




Marcos Calandrelli

Marcos is a comedian from Argentina. Started 20 years ago as a comedy writer, he wrote for humor magazines back in his country and for film, radio, and advertising. Clubs: The Comedy Chateau, The Comedy Store, Hollywood Improv, Laugh Factory Hollywood, Flappers, etc. Festivals: Laugh Riot Grrrl Festival (twice), Comedy Chateau International Festival (Best of the Fest twice!), Burbank Comedy Festival, Redlands Comedy Festival. He was chosen to be part of the prestigious San Francisco Comedy Competition (Robin Williams, Louis CK, etc.) and won the Comedy Content Contest from Barry Katz´s Blueprint for Success Community. He shared stage with Paul Rodriguez, Laurie Kilmartin, Ismo, Jimmy Brogan, Ahmed-Ahmed, etc. As a comedian from Argentina, he has a completely different POV. A man who came to the US at 38, has 2 American daughters and writes his bio with a lot of mistakes. He currently lives in Los Angeles.


Marcos Calandrelli

Marcos is a comedian from Argentina.
Started 20 years ago as a comedy writer, he wrote for humor magazines back in his country and for film, radio, and advertising.
Clubs: The Comedy Chateau, The Comedy Store, Hollywood Improv, Laugh Factory Hollywood, Flappers, etc.
Festivals: Laugh Riot Grrrl Festival (twice), Comedy Chateau International Festival (Best of the Fest twice!), Burbank Comedy Festival, Redlands Comedy Festival.
He was chosen to be part of the prestigious San Francisco Comedy Competition (Robin Williams, Louis CK, etc.) and won the Comedy Content Contest from Barry Katz´s Blueprint for Success Community.
He shared stage with Paul Rodriguez, Laurie Kilmartin, Ismo, Jimmy Brogan, Ahmed-Ahmed, etc. As a comedian from Argentina, he has a completely different POV. A man who came to the US at 38, has 2 American daughters and writes his bio with a lot of mistakes.
He currently lives in Los Angeles.

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Marcos Calandrelli



Marcos Calandrelli

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