quick facts

current town

Hayward, CA


Toronto, ON, Canada

quick facts

current town

Hayward, CA


Toronto, ON, Canada



Priya Guyadeen was born in Georgetown, Guyana. When she was two, her parents immigrated to Canada. She is the oldest of two sisters and grew up in the suburbs of Toronto. After being stuck at home during the pandemic with her then 6 year-old-son Priya took to comedy as a way to avoid needing bail money. Priya draws inspiration for her comedy from some of her favorite female comedians like Vanessa Hollingshead, Sindu Vee, and Leeanne Morgan. Whether she’s talking about growing up with strict parents, navigating the dating world, or just sharing funny stories, Priya’ comedy is always fresh and unexpected. When she’s not performing standup, you can find her hiding in her closet for some alone time. Priya has appeared on the Sherri Shepard show. She has opened for actor and comedian Steven Hytner (Seinfeld), Kabir Singh (AGT), and Larry Brown (David Letterman). You can follow her @flawed_and_fabulous



Priya Guyadeen was born in Georgetown, Guyana. When she was two, her parents immigrated to Canada. She is the oldest of two sisters and grew up in the suburbs of Toronto. After being stuck at home during the pandemic with her then 6 year-old-son Priya took to comedy as a way to avoid needing bail money. Priya draws inspiration for her comedy from some of her favorite female comedians like Vanessa Hollingshead, Sindu Vee, and Leeanne Morgan. Whether she’s talking about growing up with strict parents, navigating the dating world, or just sharing funny stories, Priya’ comedy is always fresh and unexpected. When she’s not performing standup, you can find her hiding in her closet for some alone time. Priya has appeared on the Sherri Shepard show. She has opened for actor and comedian Steven Hytner (Seinfeld), Kabir Singh (AGT), and Larry Brown (David Letterman). You can follow her @flawed_and_fabulous

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