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current town

Van Nuys


Van Nuys

quick facts

current town

Van Nuys


Van Nuys


Tara Jean

I’m a USC alumnus, writer, stand-up, and actor based in LA. My first book, TIPS FOR YOUR LAST YEAR ON EARTH, was published by Vulpine Press. I’ve written for The Onion, Slackjaw, and Insider. I appeared regularly on Conan O’Brien, as well as Jury Duty, Tosh.0, General Hospital, Teachers, and the cult horror Rubber. I’ve also performed in the long-running sketch/dance/musical comedy SANTASIA in Los Angeles.


Tara Jean

I’m a USC alumnus, writer, stand-up, and actor based in LA. My first book, TIPS FOR YOUR LAST YEAR ON EARTH, was published by Vulpine Press. I’ve written for The Onion, Slackjaw, and Insider. I appeared regularly on Conan O’Brien, as well as Jury Duty, Tosh.0, General Hospital, Teachers, and the cult horror Rubber. I’ve also performed in the long-running sketch/dance/musical comedy SANTASIA in Los Angeles.

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Tara Jean



Tara Jean

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