Adam Bush

Adam Bush is a writer and comedian in Tulsa, OK. In 2019, he won a contest to perform standup on Broadway, thus beginning his comedy career. His Dry Bar Comedy Special premiered in May of 2024 and his comedic, one-man show is now streaming on YouTube.

Lisa Landers

Ryan Bourassa

Ryan Bourassa is a handsome, ginger, stand-up comedian with over 12 years experience making people laugh on both coasts of America. His style of comedy is deadpan, dark, personal and intelligent, making audiences think and laugh simultaneously. Ryan is most comfortable when performing, whether it be on stage, in front of a camera or simply […]

Thomas Mayes

Thomas Mayes is a military vet and young father who likes to bring in his own style of laid-back blue comedy talking about fatherhood life after being a military vet and society as a whole. Prepare to clutch your stomach is Thomas Mayes brings his own unique style to Stand Up Comedy And brings you […]

Bobby Stikx

I’m a comedian born and raised right here at a Las Vegas I love the city Anything is Possible so I chose comedy I’m addicted to making Perfect Strangers crack up. This is my passion and I want to get on to bigger stages and perform in front of the masses that would be dope […]