Nina Dicker

Nina Dicker is an actress, comedian, and published writer who will rarely admit she is from Connecticut. She went to the University of Hartford, but if she says it really quick and mumbles a little it sounds like Harvard. Her book “Tangerine Vagina: True Stories of Childhood Misfortune and Meaningless Sex” has already been a […]

Jo Mt

Overdressed and under estimated, this Jack of Most Trades mixes laughter into everyday dilemmas.  After retiring from the USAF, he is opening the next comedy chapter.

Mark Gonzales

featured on VICELAND’s Funny How? | Comedy Special “GONSZO” available on Spotify • iTunes • YouTube 

Matt Cole

Matt is a quick-witted, heartfelt, and hilarious comedian with over a decade of experience. His captivating storytelling delves into his years of mischief and boldly addresses controversial topics, making them both relatable and inviting.   Originally from the suburbs of Chicago, Matt Cole became a prominent figure in the OC/LA comedy scene before recently relocating […]


Vegas stand up