gregory ware

I am a retired teacher, who’s changing the world one joke at a time. My rapid fire jokes and stunning punch lines got me signed to Comedy Dynamics. My new Special, “Just Love Everybody” is now streaming on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, and Google Play.

Steven Briggs

Steven Briggs has a unique, high-energy style of comedy that keeps his audiences on their toes. His amusing anecdotes are enhanced by his use of sound effects, act outs and characters. Steven has garnered millions of views from his large online following. He has appeared on Netflix, MTV, Hulu, TruTV and HBO. You have also […]

Taylor P. Miller Miller

To quote her Tinder profile, Taylor Miller is “a little quirky but can blend into society if need be”. She features at comedy clubs around the country. She recently featured for the Bored Teachers theater in various cities. Taylor has a monthly comedy show at The World Famous Comedy Store and has built up an […]

Jovan Robertson Robertson

Von Roburts is a funny, cool and smart stand up comedian with a commanding delivery and honest demeanor. You can’t help but listen to him, respect his perspective and laugh at the comedy that comes with that truth. His care free, casual style is very insightful. Von performs stand up all over the World impressing […]

Charrina Scott

Charrina Scott is a fearless and unapologetic comedian who’s not afraid to push boundaries and tackle taboo topics. With a style that’s raw, raunchy, and hilarious, Charrina has been making audiences laugh and squirm in equal measure. Bio: Born and raised in Philadelphia , Charrina got her start in comedy at the local open mic […]